venerdì 28 dicembre 2007

Sxratch v2.1

Virtual Scratcher
Resonance, High Freqs, Low Freqs
Start and End knobs: They set the range points where you want to scratch, useful to get more accurate scratching moves.
Accel: Acceleration or "torque" of the scratcher after you click then release over the scratching slider.
SMTH (Smoothing): Sets the smoothness of the scratch moves.
Mute button: You can control sxratch muting using MIDI keyboard notes and also you can link this button to your hardware. (CC#30)
Mute response: Negative, positive muting response (muting or playing on note event) (CC#29)
VOL: Sets the main volume.
PITCH: Sets the "speed" of the "record" (RESET button to reset knob to original pitch)
REW (Arrow near pitch knob): Plays the sound backwards.
FILE button: Click on it to load a *.wav file. (Sxratch works better with files shorter than 10 seconds)
Record button: It records the input signal, useful for live use, pick snippets from your band mates and scratch over that. :)

Important: You should extract the files from the zip with the exact same directory structure or sxratch will not find the default sample.
On FL Studio:
-Load Sxratch on an FX slot on the mixer, set MIDI in to port 1 (The scope and lower slider should be moving, if not try hitting CTRL+H, if it doesn0t work, you need to extract the files from the zip in the correct way)
-Load a MIDI out channel, set it to port 1
-Send audio to the FX where sxratch is loaded.
-Load a FILE or press the REC button to record something inside sxratch.
-Now play using your keyboard (the loop will sound) while moving the sxratch upmost slider.
On Cakewalk Sonar:
-Load an audio track, load Sxratch VSTi there.
-Load a MIDI track, select MIDI out to control Sxratch.
-Load a FILE or say something while pressing the REC button within sxratch.
-Now, to play, press any key on your MIDI kb while moving the slider.

Here is a video, courtesy of Rory Dow featuring Sxratch beeing used with a KORG KAOSS PAD.
DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO (Better right click and "save as" - QuickTime - 3mb)
READ "FRUITY SCRATCHER - MOUSE SKILLS" (and you'll find out why I'm such a freak about this scratching thing)

Download Sxratch

Granola v1.0

Granulation tool
- Record button: It records the input signal (you should click this prior to make any sound)
- Granola big slider: With it, you can virtually "travel" across the recorded audio sample.
- Volume, Pitch, Grain Xfade, Grain size, Smooth controls.

On FL Studio:
-Load Granola on an FX slot on the mixer, set MIDI in to port 1
-Load a MIDI out channel, set it to port 1
-Send audio to the FX where Granola is loaded.
-Press the REC button to record something inside Granola.
-Now play using your keyboard while moving the Granola slider.
On Cakewalk Sonar:
-Load an audio track, load Granola there.
-On the same track, select an audio input and press the R button.
-Load a MIDI track, select MIDI out to control Granola.
-Say something while pressing the REC button within Granola.
-Now, to play, press any key on your MIDI kb while moving the slider.

Download Granola

Granola v2.0 RC1

Granulation tool
- Wave file loader: Now you can load WAV files also.
- Record button: It records the input signal (you should click this prior to make any sound, unless you loaded a WAV sample)
- Granola big slider: With it, you can virtually "travel" across the recorded audio sample.
- Volume, Pitch, Cutoff, Grain Size, Smooth, Panning FX, Panning FX Speed, Random FX, Random FX Speed.
- Play with keyboard while moving slider (A - 3 = Original Pitch)

On FL Studio:
As generator (if you want only to load files)- Load Granola 2 in the step window, load a file, and play using keyboard (A - 3 = Original Pitch)- Move the slider to "travel" thru the wave file.As FX (to be able to record)-Load Granola 2 on an FX slot on the mixer, set MIDI in to port 1
-Load a MIDI out channel, set it to port 1
-Send audio to the FX where Granola is loaded.
-Press the REC button to record something inside Granola.
-Now play using your keyboard while moving the Granola slider.
On Cakewalk Sonar:
As generator:
- Just load Granola 2 in an audio track, load a wave file.- Use a MIDI track to be able to play Granola 2 (just like any other VSTi) As FX:
-Load an audio track, load Granola 2 there.
-On the same track, select an audio input and press the R button.
-Load a MIDI track, select MIDI out to control Granola 2 .
-Say something while pressing the REC button within Granola 2 .
-Now, to play, press any key on your MIDI kb while moving the slider.

Download Granola

Synodeia v1.0

Live sample triggering plugin.
"Synodeia" is a VST effect, but instead of processing the incoming signal, it can recognize pitches (frequencies) from a monophonic source and trigger samples depending on each tone.
"Synodeia" is a greek word and it means "Accompaniment". This plug-in is made specifically for live performances where a soloist can trigger samples while playing his instrument. This applies to voice and any other monophonic instrument.
-12 recognizable frequencies (full 12 tone scale)
-12 *.wav players, user can load custom made samples.
-Lots of controls to fine tune each frequency, input volume and detection response.
-"Hints": no help needed, all is right there (just hover the mouse over controls)
-Equal temperament presets (Oct 0 to Oct 5)
-Comes in two versions "Synodeia.dll" (L-R out only) and "Synodeia m-o" (Multiple audio outs-12 stereo pairs)


Synodeia v2.0

Realtime audio to MIDI triggering plugin.
"Synodeia" is a VST effect, but instead of processing the incoming signal, it can recognize pitches (frequencies) from a monophonic source and sends MIDI out messages, so you can control any VST or MIDI device using your voice for example.
"Synodeia" is a greek word and it means "Accompaniment". This plug-in is made specifically for live performances where a soloist can trigger samples while playing his instrument. This applies to voice and any other monophonic instrument.
Sinodeia 2, because its nature,is very light on the CPU, instead of it's lil brother, sample player version Synodeia v1.
- Octave shift
- Sine tone for testing, measuring purposes. (Sine tone and tone decay time)
- Input volume, Accuracy control and incoming signal monitoring (bypass)
- MIDI output messages monitor.
- The zip package contains an "Fmin chords" soundfont for you to test singing while synodeia does the accompaniment.

On FL Studio:
-Load Synodeia2 on any mixer channel, set an output MIDI port (1 for example) (you can get to the MIDI out port option by pressing the leftmost icon on the plugin window and switching to "MIDI output port")
-Load any VST you want (suggest you to try with the provided Fmin chords sounfont, is very entertaining) set its MIDI input to the same port (1)
-Connect an external signal to the mixer channel where synodeia2 is loaded. (example a mic, your voice)
Now, sing and you should be triggering MIDI notes, watch the MIDI monitor.
On Cakewalk Sonar:
-Load synodeia2 on an audio track
-Load a VSTi just after synodeia2
-Click on teh red R, and start singing.

Known issues:
- Synodeia2 doesn't recognize legatto lines yet. It's internal configuration makes it impossible at this time, I'm still searching for a solution though, that and a way to make glissando too. Meanwhile be sure to leave al least a little space between notes so synodeia can recognize the peak information and trigger a new MIDI message.


Daft Funk v1.0 (currently in beta status)

Quick note: The name of this plug is actually a mistake, daft funk was conceived as the typical effect in the build up moment in that famous FatBoySlim song "The Rockefeller Skank" sincere apologies....but in the other hand, the plug will keep the name "Daft Funk", the reason? there's a nice plug called "PhutBoy Slim" and for obvious reasons I can't use a similar name.
Glitch accelerator.
- X-Y panel: X controls speed, Y controls LowPass Filter and volumen optionally.
- Mode: "Pitched" means the wave will be resampled as speed is beeing modulated. "Grainy" means the wave will not change pitch but the grains will change size as speed is beeing modulated.
- Sync mode: "BPM" or "Free"
- Note subdivision selector.
- Y->Vol (Y value to Volume) button.
- Zero - X: Useful only in "Grainy" mode, this parameter is useful to avoid clicks, but if you want to go very fast you better untick this option, otherwise you'll hear an artifact in where the pitch transitions aren't smooth on very high frequencies.
- X and Y spring buttons: Enable disable spring release on them.
- Smooth knob: This smooths out the X and Y values, high values result on slow response to quick movements, useful to make slow sweeps such as on one Daft Punk famous song.
- Grain size knob: When in "Free" mode (opposed to BPM) you can specify the grain size here.
Audio examples:
Grainy Mode (mp3)
Pitched Mode (mp3)
KNOW ISSUES: For some reason, when you record automation, Daft Funk exhibits different bugs including 1) Not producing any sound 2) Not moving as expected...I'm truly sorry about this and I want to let you know that I'm still working to fix these issues.

Download Daft Funk

Milli Vinylli 1.5

Old vinyl sound generator.
First row of buttons are to turn generators on/off.
Phase buttons to switch variations position.
Var: Adjust the level of variation depending of the generator.
Vol: Volume knobs for each generator.
Density: Sets the noise density on the clicks, dust and friction generators.
Main Vol: Main volume of the sum of all generators.
Fq: Frecuency or "tuning" of each generator.


MetroBus 1.0

Metronome plug-in. (VST-fx)
MetroBus is a little metronome plug-in that detects host BPM tempo. Very handy on Ableton Live to send a "click" to a drummer for example.
- Wave file loader.
- Beat division (1(none), 2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
- Volume knobs for Strong and Weak beats.
- Delay input box: Useful to align the metronome to your host sequencer (mostly for Ableton Live)
Important note: When decompressing make sure you have "MetroBus.dll" and "Click.wav" on the same folder.

Glitch v1.1

MIDI triggered random delay FX

- MIDI = MIDI activity LED
- Fbk = Delay Feedback
- TIME = Set delay time region (off when MIDI button is on)
- "S" button under Time = Only equal time divisions (1/2 - 1/4 - 1/8 etc...) to make more synced patterns.
- MIDI Button = Let user to set the speed by MIDI keyboard note messages, useful to make time speed patterns.
- T/R = Delay time range of random values (off when MIDI button is "on")
- Filt = Low Pass Filter ammount
- LFO = ammount of LFO to Delay Time (to make wavy times)
- "S" button under LFO = Sync LFO to host BPM
- BPM Subdivision selector (do I need to explain this?)
- Fq = LFO Frequency
- MIX = Wet / Dry MIX

- Glitch sends a random delay time value on every MIDI note input so you basically grab a MIDI channel and sequence time changes. You can also specify the times by MIDI note number instead of a random value.

Sound Examples:
-On a drumloop.
-On a piano.

Download Glitch

Mr. Green v.1.5

X-Y based state variable filter.
Mr. Green is a LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, Band Reject VST plugin. But instead of sliders it features a pair of sexy LCD looking X-Y pads.
-Left X-Y pad: Controls the state of the filter (LP, HP, BP, BR)
-Right X-Y pad: Controls the "Cutoff" and "Resonance" (Cut-Res)
-"Link" button (useful when moving between filter states)


BackMan v1.3.2

Reverses incoming audio signal in sync (it will follow host BPM). This plugin is specially useful on live gigs to make that "back spin" effect DJs usually does.
- Very simple, just one slider.
- Slider on the right means forward (>>), slider on the left means backwards (<<) - Compensation control: Reverse playback timming compensation, fine tuning, useful to sync signals on different sound materials. - Gap position button: Defines where you want the slices gaps, turned off means the gap will be on each strong beat (useful for "backman sandwich" trick, see usage below), turned on means the gap will be delayed one 8th of a note to avoid the gap on fast high transients such as snares and kick on a regular drum loop. Gaps? what? where?: In a nutshell, BackMan is no more than two samplers recording the input and playing in reverse, but the actual trick involves a "flip-flop" process. On a 4/4 bar, counting 1,2,3,4 ("...this is rokanrol!") while one sampler is doing "record-play-record-play" the other is doing "play-record-play-record", this process takes one bar each time and therefore each sampler is taking two "slices" out of the input signal and playing them backwards, all in sync with the host BPM tempo. This process creates clicks on the signal because the sampled slices not necesarily begins and/or ends at zero volume point (zero crossing) thus creating nasty audible clicks on the audio. The only way I found to solve that was to tame those clicks doing very quick fade in/out over each slice, this creates very tiny gaps on the audio which aren't as bad as clicks but they still could be heard on certain situations. The most common case is having little gaps just over the snare and kick on a drumloop, that's why I included the "gap position" button, to be able to locate the gap away from the bigger transients. - USAGE - Important information - 1) The most tricky part is keeping the dry and wet signals in perfect sincronization so the fastest way is to put the big slider on the middle to be able to hear both signals, then use the little slider on the top to fine adjust the timing of the backwards signal (you can CTRL+Drag to fine tune) If you're using a drum loop for example, you need to sync both signals so both snares hits as close as possible (one over the other), and finally move the big slider to forward and backwards to see if they sound really natural when switching (even while you think they are synced is good to check this way). You'll need different values of the little slider depending upon the sound material, even if BackMan is calibrated to sound perfectly in sync, almost all kind of material needs a different value. So the procedure is the following: - a) Put the big slider on the middle and play the loop/song. - b) Check if both wet and dry signals are in sync, and adjust the little slider accordingly. - c) Move the big slider to check if they sounds natural when switching forward and backwards. - d) If they doesn't, fine tune the little slider again while switching as in step c) Now if you have them in sync, turning off the "gap position" button will cause the backwards signal to sound one 8th earlier, it will stay in sync but the sounds occur in different places. If you're using a drum loop for example you'll hear both back and forth snares at a distance of one 8th of a note, this could be useful if you want to break the rythm while switching directions. Other useful thing about the gap button is that you can define where the internal backman "flip-Flop" will occur, and thus where the slices gaps will be located. This is useful when you want to do the "backman sandwich" trick. - BackMan sandwich trick- This one is very useful to create "reverse tail reverbs" on the fly without having to record one long reverb tail and bouncing to a wave file. - Place a chain like this "BackMan-Reverb-Backman" - Turn off both "gap position" buttons. (otherwise the orignal input sound will sound chopped, not good for vocals or if you want your input untouched) - Turn off the second BackMan and get both (back-forth) signals on the first BackMan sincronized as explained earlier. - If the first one is in sync, turn it off and do the same to the second Backman. (save, load plugin presets is a good quick solution on this case) - Now turn them on and set both BackMans to reverse mode. Voila! instant backwards reverb! (take note that you need to put your source material a quarter or half a bar earlier) - Other cool tip is that by fine adjusting the little sliders on both BackMan instances you can make a straight beat to sound shuffled. Have fun!!! Download BackMan

OverDubber v1.7.4

Two tap delay focused towards Dub creation and Live use.
-Two tap delay.
- BPM based times, with dotted time button.
- Big knobs
- "Explode" Trigger to do controlled feedback loops in one click.
- MIDI Learn
- Panic! button
- Pitch-Mod (simulation of tape speed fluctuations)
- Changing host tempo caused clicks in the past, delay time transitions are smooth now.
- Added a tape reel knob; it allows user to play with delay speed manually. It has two modes "accel" and "scratch" both produces different results:
- Accel: Acceleration, the effect sounds like someone adjusting the speed of a tape reel machine, but always going forward.
MP3 sample
-Scratch: It sounds more like when someone is scratching a vinyl, back and for, back and for ("making a scratch!")
MP3 sample
To change between modes click on the text just below the knob. Both modes are back to sync when the knob is zero.
What's new on 1.74:
Finally added hints for all controls.
- WARNING - This version is not compatible with the old v1.1 so I suggest you to finish any work using OverDubber with the old one.

DeeLay v1.51

You got six delays with filtered feedback that will follow the tempo of your host sequencer.
-Six delay lines with multimode filter and panning per delay.
-Synced or manual delay time controls, delay time up to 80 seconds. (10sec for the sm version)
-Buttons to deactivate the delay, mute the input or choose L or R as input.
-Delay routing.
-Internal limiters on every delay to be able to create distorted feedbacks without blowing up your speakers.
-PANIC button to lower all feedbacks at once.
-Input button: Turns input On/Off
-Hints on all controls that makes the plug pretty self explanatory.
-MIDI automation and MIDI learn.
Download Deelay (big 80sec delay time)

P-DeeLay v1.0

Pattern based delay.
-Six delay lines with multimode filter and panning per delay.
-Synced to BPM host in a pattern fashion.
-Buttons to deactivate the delay, mute the input or choose L or R as input.
-Internal limiters on every delay to be able to create distorted feedbacks without blowing up your speakers.
-PANIC button to lower all feedbacks at once.
-Input button: Turns input On/Off
-Hints on all controls that makes the plug pretty self explanatory.
-MIDI automation and MIDI learn.
UPDATED: Now the pattern selectors responds to horizontal mouse movements (as they should on the first place)

WNM-1 (Weird Noise Machine)

If you like crazy modulated sounds this VST instrument is for you.
WNM-1 (Weird Noise Machine)
Three independant modules.
Six osc's on each module, first five are modulators and can be routed to other osc's.
Sine, Saw, Ramp, Triangle, Pulse, w-noise and p-noise waveforms to choose from.
Freq, Pulse Width and Modulation depth for each osc.
ADSR envelopes for each module.
Multi outs
Every Oscillator can be set to "Track" the pitch of your music keyboard, this allow you to either make every note to have the same timbre but diff pitch or just add more weirdness.
Oscillators routing include "Out", this allows you to split every module to various parts, when an Osc is set to "Out" it will no longer modulate other oscillators, instead it will produce sound and you can use other Osc's to modulate it.
Pitch tracking
What's new in v1.7
Newer skin, smaller and funkier.